
Shake it up: the three biggest protein beverage trends igniting sports nutrition

2024 - 17 - 04

The benefits of protein in the sports, performance and active nutrition categories are undisputed – it is well-understood for helping to support muscle growth, maintenance and recovery. Today, supermarket shelves are lined with a variety of protein-based options to suit consumers’ every need, whether they are professional athletes, sometimes gym-goers or active seniors keen to get the most out of life. But despite plenty of innovation in the bars and ready-to-drink (RTD) segments, ready-to-mix protein powders continue to reign strong in the sports nutrition category – accounting for a whopping 53% of formats in the EU and 68% in the US and Canada.

Nutrition Integrated

And their stock looks set to rise further still – the category is expected to expand at a CAGR of 6.4% between 2023 and 2028.

Euromonitor 2023.

This continued growth means that sports powders are one of the leading subcategories for dairy proteins in performance and active nutrition

Innova Market Insights, Focus on Dairy Proteins in Sports Nutrition and Supplements.

. Brands have been quick to capitalise on this consumer interest, as shown by the rise in new product launches worldwide over the past few years

Client to confirm reference – on page 2 of the trends briefing document.

. Despite inevitable launches slowing with the onset of Covid-19 and subsequent gym shutdowns, markets like Western Europe are already set to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels – following North America’s suit. In fact, there were no less than 6,448 new launches of sports powders in 2023 alone!

Innova Market Insights

Clearly, the market for ready-to-mix protein powder shakes isn’t slowing down any time soon.

The rise of the ‘everyday athlete’

But why? Part of protein powders’ dominance in the sports nutrition category is down to the growing number of ‘everyday athletes’ fuelling innovation within the category. With brands seeking new ways to meet fitness lovers’ tastes and desires, the European market has seen the emergence of a wider variety of protein shake solutions in recent years – from gourmet offerings to seasonal and indulgent flavours, or natural versions and BCAA-fortified options. And in North America, innovation has mostly centred around functional ingredients to help support various health benefits.

Innova Market Insights, Category Review: What’s trending in Sports Powders in US & Canada – Dec 202

The top three protein beverage trends

So, how can your brand stand out in an increasingly crowded marketplace and develop protein shakes that resonate? Let’s take a look at the top three trends shaping protein beverage innovation…

  1. Protein shakes for relaxing and recovery

With busy modern lifestyles, taking the time to relax and recover is essential – especially after exercise or a long day. ‘Energy and alertness’ was the leading claim between July 2022 and June 2023, accounting for 50% of health claims in the US and Canada

Innova Market Insights, Category Review: What’s trending in Sports Powders in US & Canada – Dec 202

– a sign that emotional wellness is more of a priority than ever. Consumers are seeking ways to enhance their mood and improve their physical and mental well-being – and many are turning to protein shakes not just for muscle recovery, but for extra functional benefits too. In fact, 74% associate protein with benefits to general health and wellness.

FMCG Gurus, ‘Consumer Perspectives on Protein Consumption’, 2022

What’s more, brands can boost this positioning by tapping into the protein plus trend, adding extra mood-supporting ingredients. And with over half of consumers (52%) finding mood-enhancing claims on food and drink appealing,

FMCG Gurus, Top 10 trends, 2024.

there is a vast scope for developing protein shakes that deliver relaxation and recovery benefits, such as promoting sleep.

  2. Protein shakes that target the gut-muscle or gut-brain axis

Protein shakes may be big business, but are they good for gut health? There’s evidence to suggest that regular heavy exercise and certain dietary factors such as high protein intake can actually lead to gastro-intestinal problems. In fact, a recent study revealed that a staggering 86% of athletes suffer from gut health issues.

Pugh JN, et al. Gastrointestinal symptoms in elite athletes: time to recognise the problem? Br J Sports Med. 2018 Apr;52(8):487-488.

That said, while consumers may also be increasingly turning to exercise to support their health, they’re also paying extra attention to their gut. So, targeting both at the same time is a no-brainer.

Today, as many as two in three consumers see gut health as very important.

Innova Gut Glory, trend of 2022 report from Innova Market Insights.

This is especially true as a healthy gut takes on a new meaning beyond just digestive comfort – new science is highlighting the gut’s role in areas such as supporting muscle recovery or boosting mental wellbeing.

Pugh JN, et al. Gastrointestinal symptoms in elite athletes: time to recognise the problem? Br J Sports Med. 2018 Apr;52(8):487-488.

As such, there’s lots of opportunity for innovation that taps into increased consumer awareness of this interconnection. Protein shakes boasting holistic health benefits – such as targeting the gut-brain or gut-muscle axis – are set to be one of the next big things for the sports nutrition industry. And their on-the-go format makes them even more appealing to busy consumers – simply pop in your bag to have at work or the gym for a multifunctional health boost!

  3. Plant-based protein shakes

It will come as no surprise that plant-based protein powder remains a key trend. Plant protein shakes have always been a popular option for vegans and vegetarians, and now they are gaining traction among flexitarians, too – driven by personal beliefs and the perceived advantages of plant-based ingredients. This is reflected in recent sports nutrition R&D; three out of ten global launches between 2022 and 2023 were plant-based – a sign that it is becoming an important source of protein alongside firm favourites like whey and milk protein.13 It’s clear that innovating tasty plant-based protein shakes can hit the mark with health-conscious consumers – so they’re an essential consideration for brands looking to stand out,

Lead the way in protein shakes with FrieslandCampina Ingredients

With these trends gaining traction and consumer interest in protein beverages showing no signs of slowing down, the time is now to innovate. Staying ahead of the latest trends will remain crucial to success in this fast-paced, dynamic market, as well as partnering with a protein innovator and application expert, like FrieslandCampina Ingredients. With decades of experience leading in the protein space, we can quickly and seamlessly translate these important trends into protein beverage products that stand out.

Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts providing a deep dive into these three protein beverage trends. And to kickstart your next protein shake innovation, speak to our experts today!


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