FrieslandCampina Ingredients

Meet our team of sustainability experts who are committed to to help you bring sustainable nutrition to people all over the world.

Andor Hendriks

Director of Technology

From his very first day at FrieslandCampina 25 years ago, Andor has been at the forefront of technological innovation. From microbiological fermentations and analytical testing to supply chain logistics, there is hardly an aspect of FrieslandCampina Ingredients that Andor hasn’t supported with technological improvements. Most recently he has been focussed on sustainability across our supply chains. Andor has supported the development of a new dairy plant with a 40% lower carbon footprint, which is currently being built in Asia. He has also worked on the roll out of our Environmental Management System (EMS) which enables our operators and technologists to monitor the energy efficiency of our processes, helping them develop and realise energy reductions. As a passionate mountaineer, he loves climbing, skiing and walking in the alps and with sustainability in his heart he lowered his own carbon footprint with more than 50% by renovating his old farm.

Anne Peter Lindeboom

Managing Director, Innovation

Anne Peter finds inspiration in the vast possibilities of what ingredients can do. Driven by wanting to impact lives for the better, Anne Peter uses his ingredients expertise to advance innovation across all aspects of human nutrition. Starting in FrieslandCampina Ingredients’ Early Life Nutrition team, Anne Peter has championed innovation every step of the way and has a particular focus on nurturing partnerships with our customers to help bring sustainable and nourishing solutions to people all around the world. In his personal life, Anne Peter aims to make a positive sustainability impact by having a net zero energy consumption at his family home and increasing biodiversity in his garden.

Aurélie Letortu

Senior Corporate Sustainability Manager

Aurélie’s professional journey led her from being an investment banker to focusing on sustainability at FrieslandCampina. She has always been passionate about both environmental and social issues and found FrieslandCampina the perfect fit to realise her aspirations. Aurélie is particularly proud to work at the dairy cooperative as it uses its collective power to secure a better living for its farmers while also making significant sustainability advances across all member farms.

Katie Verlaan

Global Marketing Lead, Performance, Active and Medical Nutrition

Katie brings over 20 years of experience in the food and consumer goods industries to FrieslandCampina Ingredients. As a global marketing lead in adult nutrition, Katie uses her clear vision to bring nutritional solutions to consumers around the world that are not only good for people’s well-being but good for the planet as well. Driven by new challenges and finding better, more efficient ways to do things, she leads on making our broad range of protein solutions more sustainable.

Kyle Brookmeyer

Innovation Change Manager

Kyle is dedicated to building positive change in every aspect of sustainable food systems. He enjoys applying creative thinking to tackle challenges collaboratively with everyone he works with and believes that to understand problems we must view them from multiple perspectives, and the most effective solutions will require a similar holistic approach. Kyle applies this collaborative and innovative mindset to multiple sustainability projects at FrieslandCampina Ingredients including improving biodiversity, reducing emissions at the farm level, and helping to shape the future of regenerative agriculture.

Timo Faber

Global Segment Marketing Lead, Early Life Nutrition

Timo has nearly 20 years of experience in the dairy industry and has found his passion in bringing sustainable infant nutrition to the market. Timo pioneered the development of FrieslandCampina Ingredients’ reduced carbon infant formula ingredients. Not only was he focussed on lowering the carbon footprint of infant formula, he also worked to make sure the project generated extra income for our member farmers so they could invest in more sustainability initiatives at farm level. On top of all this, Timo remains dedicated to a sustainable future outside of work – he’s currently working on making his own home completely fossil-free by using only green energy!

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