Meet our expert speakers on 12 & 13 November!

With less than 2 weeks until “Nutritional Health Solutions for an Evolving World” goes live, we’re excited to welcome you to our inaugural virtual event. The agenda is full of talks and presentations from industry experts. Don’t miss all of this, and much more!

Prof. John Cryan, chair of the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience at University College Cork. Named one of the world’s most Influential Scientific Minds and senior editor of both Neuropharmacology and Nutritional Neuroscience Journal, John will share his insights into the gut microbiome and how it regulates the immune, gastrointestinal and nervous systems.



Dr. Gail Cresci, director of the Nutrition Research Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic, has a specific research focus on the gut microbiome and its metabolic by-products in health and disease. A widely published scientist, Gail will shine a light on modulating the gut microbiome, and the evidence that gut microbiota directly affect health.



Precisely on-trend in today’s challenging pandemic, Prof. dr. ir. Huub Savelkoul asks “what is needed for antiviral immunity?” and reveals his findings about lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G. The head of the Cell Biology and Immunology Group of Wageningen University is a leading authority on the subject of immunity and holds over 16,000 citations.



Prof. Siobhan O’Mahony, senior lecturer at the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience at University College Cork, is a pioneer of research into the brain-gut-microbiota axis. With nearly 6,000 citations already, at the event she will offer a fascinating glimpse into how stress levels can be managed via the gut through pregnancy.



In addition to his role at FrieslandCampina Ingredients, Prof. Dr. Joost van Neerven is also a professor of Mucosal Immunity at Wageningen University. His background covers everything from the role of T cells in allergy to the development of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. After an essential “immunity 101,” Joost will discuss how immunity changes, and can be supported, during the early years.



With more than 14 years’ experience analysing consumer attitudes and behaviours, and a particular interest in how trends are translated into the industry, Mike Hughes currently heads up the Research & Insights division at FMCG Gurus. Join him as he reveals new global insights into consumer concerns, behaviours and requirements in the area of immunity.



Prof. Dr. Karsten Krüger heads the Department of Exercise Physiology and Sports Therapy at Justus-Liebig University, Giessen (Germany) and is a board member of the International Society of Exercise and Immunology. He will share a decade’s worth of experience in active nutrition and disclose the role of exercise in building and maintaining immunity.



Prof. Douwe van Sinderen is an associate professor at the Department of Microbiology, University College Cork, and a principal investigator in the APC’s Genomics and Metagenomics Core – a multidisciplinary gut health and nutrition health research centre. He will reveal how and why oligosaccharides can support infant health.



As assistant professor in Muscle Metabolism at Maastricht University, Dr. Jorn Trommelen’s research focuses on how nutrition and exercise impact muscle metabolism. With a specific interest in how dietary protein intake can increase muscle mass and function, Jorn will explain the role of protein in optimising recovery after exercise.



As a professor at the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University, and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Skeletal Muscle Health, Prof. Stuart Phillips has a wealth of experience in muscle health. Join him as he explains how protein requirements change with age, and optimal intakes for healthy ageing and mobility.

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