5 trends shaping the future of food in 2022 – Performance, Active and Medical Nutrition

Discover the latest research in FrieslandCampina Ingredients’ new consumer trends report for 2022, identifying the five key trends driving the food, drinks and supplement industries today.

From COVID-19 to climate change, anxieties around health, well-being and sustainability have never been greater. Based on extensive market research and the latest consumer insights, the report highlights how personal and planetary health are coming together in new and interesting ways, and how brands can stand out to consumers by tapping into the issues that matter most.

Download our magazine and discover the trends set to revolutionise our industry in 2022.

Planet-first nutrition

Trust and transparency are non negotiable as consumers become more ethically and environmentally conscious. But to stand out about the noise, brands need to bring their claims to life – think less about vague claims or stats without context, and more about where companies can demonstrate how they’re making a real difference.

Resilience in an ever-challenging world

COVID-19 exasperated tension and stress globally, resulting in consumers looking to build resilience – of both body and mind – to protect themselves in the future. To help, they’re turning to new, functional applications to support physical and mental wellness. Solutions backed by science and positioned with resilience in mind will be a key driver as we head into 2022.

The future is flexitarian

Plant protein is firmly in the spotlight as more consumers than ever incorporate plant-based ingredients into their diets. But people don’t want to compromise when it comes to taste, texture and nutrition. Enabling a flexitarian diet, combining plant and traditional protein sources, will be key to staying relevant in 2022.

Holistic health starts in the gut

Balance is trending, and for many consumers, holistic well-being is the ultimate goal in 2022. Globally, consumers are becoming aware of how gut health is linked to overall well-being,[i] providing an opportunity for brands to target the gut microbiome with ingredients like prebiotics, and to educate on innovative and emerging solutions.

Celebrating healthy ageing

As our global population continues to get older, consumers are rethinking what it means to age well. Consumers of all ages are proactively re-evaluating their health and diets, looking for healthy ageing benefits from everyday foods – providing brands with an unrivalled opportunity to meet a growing market need through innovative NPD.

Learn more about these trends and how you can tap into them – download the magazine now!

For expert help on how to bring these trends to life, get in touch with us.

[i] Innova, ‘Top Ten Trends’, 2022



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